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 Update--GIS Development in the Hazardous Waste Geology Section
Track:  GIS Organization and Management
Author:   Roger U. Koelpin

This is an update to a similar paper delivered at the May 1996 Esri international user conference. The project started on a regional scale and now is a template for agencywide GIS implementation. GIS and global positioning system technologies are used to link administrative with quantitative environmental data and to define spatial and physical relationships between regulated and protected entities. Also, the list of customers for GIS support has spread beyond our own geology work unit, across the office and agency, into other local, State, and federal agencies, and into the private sector.

Roger U. Koelpin
Indiana Department of Environmental Management
100 North Senate, Rm. 1154
Indianapolis, IN46206-6015

Telephone: 317-232-8726
Fax: 317-232-3403