Author: Marc S. Toloczko
Charles J. Bangert, Sr.
Booz-Allen & Hamilton has played a major role in the Anti-Drug Network (ADNET) project with many DoD and federal agencies involved in the counterdrug mission. Part of that effort has been developing the Counterdrug Intelligence System (CDIS). CDIS 3.0 is an automated information system that supports counterdrug intelligence assets from the Department of Defense in collecting, producing, sharing, analyzing, and disseminating counterdrug information. CDIS is written entirely in Java and stores data in an object-oriented database called ObjectStore. Data can enter the system through either a natural language lexicon or data entry. An analyst can choose to display geographic data in ArcView GIS by way of a module named GisManager. GisManager synchronizes ArcView GIS, Portmap, and the communication brokers, which are external to CDIS. Data is sent between the ArcView GIS CDIS extension and the database via the brokers. The brokers are written in C and they translate RPCs to sockets or sockets to RPCs. When a subprogram in CDIS sends data to ArcView GIS, the objects are "flattened" into their relational equivalent text files and sent to ArcView GIS through the brokers. The ArcView GIS CDIS extension reads the text files and creates temporary, consecutively numbered dBASE tables for each query. It determines the highest level of security of each record in each table and displays a security banner. It retrieves information from a geoarea table and draws polygons, lines, or points with related geospatial data from a geopoint table. All of the tables are then joined so that any tabular data related to a feature drawn in the view can be viewed with the Identify button. There is also a tool to query the CDIS database for the source of information for a theme. The CDIS extension can be started within ArcView GIS 3.0 or invoked by the Desktop Analyst within CDIS. The ArcView GIS CDIS extension provides a powerful GIS tool that is portable, extensible, and relatively easy to learn by the analyst.
Marc S. Toloczko
Booz-Allen & Hamilton
8283 Greensboro Dr.
McLean, VA22102-3838
Telephone: 703-902-5301
Fax: 703-902-3354