We designed a modern system for geoecological monitoring for closing mines of the Kuzbass region based on the approach of Esri. The system consists of a complex of databases, to which is contributed information on the condition of the environment in the region of the closing mines, and electronic maps (80 layers) made with PC ARC/INFO. We designed computerized models for the dynamic evaluation of areas of the environment in the air and water. The system is designed in the Coal Institute SB RAS in Kemerovo town. ArcView GIS Version 3.0 and ArcView Spatial Analyst Version 1.0 were used in the system.
Vadim Potapov
Coal Institute SB RAS
Rukavishnikova st.
Kemerovo, 650025650025
Telephone: +7 384 2 21-15-66
Fax: +7 384 2 21-15-66