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 Using GIS to Support Community Safety: Strategic Approaches to Community Safety (SACS) Initiative in Winston-Salem, North Carolina
Track:  Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice
Author:   Julia B. Conley
Tim Lesser
Elizabeth Groff
Winston-Salem, North Carolina, has been designated as one of five communities participating in the Department of Justice (DOJ) sponsored Strategic Approaches to Community Safety (SACS) Initiative. The Winston-Salem Initiative relies on DOJ, local agencies, and researchers to provide and integrate diverse community data sources for the implementation of research-based strategies to reduce and prevent juvenile violence. GIS coverages and applications have been developed to support this integrated method. Some of our challenges related to the application and database development have included identification, integration, and standardization of data from multiple agencies; maintenance of confidentiality and security; and geocoding.

Julia B. Conley
City of Winston-Salem
725 N Cherry St
Winston-Salem, NC27102

Telephone: (336)773-7864
Fax: (336)773-7996