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 Mojave Desert Ecosystem Program: A Spatial Database for the Ecoregion
Track:  Ecology, Conservation, and Archaeology
Author:   Clarence A. Everly
Doug Ramsey
The Mojave Desert Ecosystem Program (MDEP) represents the first joint DoD/DOI attempt to create a uniform geospatial data coverage across a scientifically defined ecoregion. The goal of the MDEP is to develop and implement an Internet-accessible database of GIS-based land management information to facilitate data collection, storage, transfer, sharing, and analysis by all interested parties. It is a multiagency effort, transcending administrative and geopolitical boundaries, designed to enable informed decision making for sustainable land management across a 44,000-square-mile ecoregion.

Clarence A. Everly
Mojave Desert Ecosystem Program
P.O. Box 105097
Fort Irwin, CA92310-5097

Telephone: 760-380-5291
Fax: 760-380-3545