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 Implementing an Enterprisewide Space Management System: A Case Study at the University of Minnesota
Track:  Business Geographics
Author:   Debra Gondeck-Becker

Information about facilities is central to the business operations of every organization. An enterprisewide approach makes facilities data available to information systems and databases throughout an organization to support decision making in each business unit. Enterprise solutions require thoughtful planning, design, and resource management. Successfully implemented, they return higher ROI because of the breadth of issues they support. This session will discuss and demonstrate the successful integration of ArcView GIS as an enterprisewide computer-aided facilities management (CAFM) system to manage facility assets valued in excess of $3 billion spanning 24 million square feet at the University of Minnesota.

Debra Gondeck-Becker
Jordani Consulting Group
12 S. Sixth Street
Minneapolis, MN55402

Telephone: 612.333.9222
Fax: 612.333.9210