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 Central Valley Crop Classification Processing Using Remote Sensing and GIS Technologies
Track:  Agriculture
Author:   Jeff A. Milliken
David T. Hansen
Michael Sebhat
The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation and California Department of Water Resources are cooperating in a project to map crops and create crop reports using remote sensing and GIS technologies. The focus area is the Central Valley of California. This paper discusses procedures for Yolo and Kings counties, California, using ArcInfo, ArcView GIS, and ERDAS IMAGINE. This project is testing the application of procedures currently being used for crop classification in the Lower Colorado River Basin.

Jeff A. Milliken
Bureau of Reclamation MP-450
2800 Cottage Way
Sacramento, CA95825-1898

Telephone: (916) 978-5267
Fax: (916) 978-5290