Author: Kenneth M. Wilkinson
The Lee County Property Appraiser has increased the data collection process productivity from nine inspections per field auditor (per day) to the current standard of 48 field inspections per field auditor (per day) by the use of GIS technology. This increase in productivity has been accomplished by instituting the following procedures:
All new building construction plans are obtained and digitized into the GIS "cell" boundaries (350+ County-wide are developed). Cells are subdivided areas that facilitate better access for the field auditor and make it easier to inspect a particular area. Cells produce property record cards based on an inspection date older than three years, new sale, or new building permits issued on a particular property. GIS also plots a color-coded map of the cell showing the properties that need inspecting. A new property record card to enhance data presentation was developed. It not only shows the textural data but the complete floor plan. The keying and plan correction process was streamlined.
Digital photographs are being taken of all residential and commercial buildings and are shown on the property record card.
Kenneth M. Wilkinson
Lee County Property Appraiser's Office
P.O. Box 1546
Fort Myers, FL33902
Telephone: (941)339-6109
Fax: (941)339-6160