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 Don't Start Over! Update That SDE Layer Instead of Rebuilding It!
Track:  Database Management and SDE
Author:   Mark Harley

This paper discusses a method for maintaining currency in a huge SDE data layer that is updated frequently from a master source. Shapes are modified individually without reloading the entire layer from scratch, forcing users offline during the rebuild. This technique saves significant time when compared with performing a full reload and simplifies the task of data maintenance. Taking advantage of the multiuser capabilities of SDE, the revision process can be run while users remain online. Working without interruption can be critical to systems with 24x7 requirements. Alternatives are discussed with measurements to support the procedure that was selected.

Mark Harley
Geographic Data Technology, Inc.
11 Lafayette St.
Lebanon, NH037661445

Telephone: (603)643-0330
Fax: (603)643-6808