Author: Hasan Mohd. Hasan Mh'sen
Amman Network Information System (ANIS) is part of a corporate GIS project at WAJ. The introduction of computerized, partly GIS-based business applications in Greater Amman, resting on different platforms and spread over more than 10 locations, is illustrated by the example of the new Customer Complaints Centre (CCC), developed under Oracle and integrated with the front-end ArcView GIS-based maintenance management system (MMS), both related and exchanging information with the ANIS core unit, responsible for maintenance, updating, and editing of all network and cadastral maps under ARC/INFO. The maintenance of GIS database systems, which combine ARC/INFO and ArcView GIS with Oracle environments, requires not only integration but also data integrity between GIS features and RDBMS data on the Oracle side. CCC and MMS have been introduced in an environment not accustomed and susceptible to such complex systems, but the success of modules like MMS in the daily work process illustrates that user-friendly applications are immediately accepted and useful on all hierarchical levels of WAJ.
Hasan Mohd. Hasan Mh'sen
Water Authority of Jordan
P.O.Box 941308
Amman, 11194
Telephone: 00962-6-5686960
Fax: 00962-6-5686960