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 Gunfire Location System Helps Stop Crime in Urban Areas
Track:  Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice
Author:   Tony L. Bradshaw

The ShotSpotter system is helping Redwood City, California, police drastically reduce gunfire in their City. ShotSpotter uses a series of specialized microphones strategically placed around high crime areas of the City to listen for the sound of gunfire. When the system detects a shot, it notifies a MapObjects-based application that displays the location of the shot and the names, addresses, and phone numbers of surrounding homes and businesses. It can even call the neighbors to see if anyone is hurt or witnessed the crime. The map display can include aerial photographs to assist police in planning their response.

Tony L. Bradshaw
Bradshaw Consulting Services, Inc.
1359 Silver Bluff Rd
Aiken, SC29803

Telephone: 1-803-641-0960
Fax: 1-803-641-6200