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 Three-Dimensional Visualization for Community Planning, Impact Analysis, and Policy Simulation
Track:  State and Local Government
Author:   Gary Scott Smith
Michael Kwartler
Understanding impacts of community planning policy is often lost in the two-dimensional presentation. To facilitate this understanding, the Orton Family Foundation assembled a team to build and adapt technologies to help communities visualize change. The resulting extensions to ArcView GIS include an interactive, fully rendered three-dimensional run-time environment, similar to that found in a flight simulator. Changes can be made in either the two-dimentional "view" or the run-time environment. Simultaneously, an impact analysis extension can evaluate proposed actions and report conflicts. The policy simulation extension employs agent-based modeling techniques to look for trends and likelihood situations.

Gary Scott Smith
Green Mountain GeoGraphics, Ltd.
19 Hanley Lane
Essex Junction, VT05452

Telephone: 802 878-6746
Fax: 802 878-0161