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 Advanced Internet Map Server Techniques for Building Intuitive Web Sites for a Nontechnical User Base
Track:  GIS on the Internet
Author:   Jonathan W. Lowe

By analyzing existing Web sites, this paper describes presentation and programming techniques for serving Internet maps to a nontechnical user base. Issues addressed include simultaneous display of 50 or more themes on the same Web page without a loss of map readability assurance of cartographic quality of maps displayed despite users' ability to add or remove themes from the display, use of the Win32 API to extend functionality of MapObjects IMS, multiuser data input to maps via the Internet and real-time Web page content changes via MS Access database links.

Jonathan W. Lowe
Local Knowledge Consulting
2007 Delaware St
Berkeley, CA94709

Telephone: 510-540-5482
Fax: 510-540-5482