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 Efficient Preprocessing of Water Infrastructure GIS Data Facilitates Water System Hydraulic and Water Quality Model Construction
Track:  Water Distribution, Wastewater, Sewer
Author:   Paul H. Hsiung
Edward J. Koval
Joseph Pindell
Water distribution system GIS data meets a variety of needs including automated mapping, facilities management, work order processing, meter records and billings, and emergency planning. Detailed hydrant, valve fitting, pipe topology, and attribute data typically exceeds the level of detail required for hydraulic and water quality modeling of distribution systems. This paper presents an ArcView GIS application that processes detailed water system data in a systematic manner, resulting in a data set that supports water system model construction. The processes completed by this ArcView GIS "generalization" application include Reduction: Reduces excessive granularity in the detailed infrastructure data by dissolving nodes representing valves, hydrant lead fittings, etc. Skeletonization: Deletes small diameter pipes Trim: Deletes dead-end mains such as hydrant leads

Paul H. Hsiung
Black & Veatch LLP
8400 Ward Parkway
Kansas City, MO64114

Telephone: (913)458-3442
Fax: (913)458-3730