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 Breaking Down Jurisdictional Barriers: A Technical Approach to Regional Crime Analysis
Track:  Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice
Author:   Jeffrey C. Burka
Samuel Alex Mudd
David Nulph
Criminals typically are not constrained by the jurisdictional boundaries that limit police departments. The Regional Crime Analysis Geographic Information System (RCAGIS) is a MapObjects-based package intended to help crime analysts, police officers, and administrative officials protect the public within their own jurisdictions while also offering the ability to find and analyze data that crosses jurisdictional boundaries. This presentation will focus on the use of MapObjects along with Visual Basic, Crystal Reports, ODBC-driven back-end databases, and a spatial statistics package to develop a package that can address the needs of street-level police officers, crime analysts, and administrative officials.

Jeffrey C. Burka
United States Department of Justice, Criminal Division
1400 New York Avenue, NW
Washington, DC20530

Telephone: 202-305-1516
Fax: 202-616-7590