DOQ is an acronym becoming quite well known to the U.S. Bureau of the Census's Geography Division research team investigating data collection methodologies with the goal of improving the positional accuracy of the Topologically Integrated Encoding and Referencing (TIGER) database. The team is using ArcView GIS as the vehicle for interpreting DOQs and collecting data. ArcView GIS offers several necessary functions including the ability to easily reformat TIGER/Line '97 and DOQ data into data structures readable by ArcView GIS and tools that aid photographic interpretation. This paper describes the DOQ test project, discusses the data collection process, and identifies successes and stumbling blocks.
Kristen O'Grady
U.S. Bureau of the Census
U.S. Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC20233-7400
Telephone: 301-457-1056
Fax: 301-457-4710