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 Fitting In: GIS Services in a Digital Library
Track:  Metadata and Data Publishing
Author:   Mike Furlough

The Geospatial and Statistical Data Center at the University of Virginia is one of four library-based electronic centers. Other centers focus their user services and collections on texts, images and multimedia, and digitized rare materials. How do library-based GIS services fit within such a diverse collection of holdings? What challenges do librarians face when working with GIS metadata standards, especially when trying to adapt these standards and those for other media to establish a core data model? How can and how do GIS users influence the process?

Mike Furlough
Geospatial and Statistical Data Center, Alderman Library, University of Virginia
Alderman Library
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA22903

Telephone: (804) 924 3169
Fax: (804) 924 1431