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Retail Site Selection and ArcView Business Analyst--A Case Study
Track:  Business Geographics
Author:   Paul Anthony Amos

The ability to locate new sites for retailers can improve the profitability of a company. The analysis focuses on using the ArcView Business Analyst extension to determine the target demographics for a retail pawn shop that is looking to expand. Customer and store data is used to create trade areas for the store. Customer demographic profiles are created for the store based on the underlying demographics within the trade areas. Lastly, Business Analyst locates areas in the Tampa MSA that match the target demographics of the retail store.

Paul Anthony Amos
Wharton School of Business
Lauder-Fischer Hall
256 South 37th Street
Philadelphia, PA19104-6330

Telephone: 215-898-4256
Fax: 215-573-5261