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A Smarter Government: Deploying a Comprehensive Geography-Based Government Information System
Track:  State and Local Government
Author:   Todd R. Hougaard

Both state and local government have five types of information system users: top management, departmental managers, field/office staff, systems/computer staff, and the public. Successful enterprise GIS must meet the needs of all five types of system users. Of particular interest are ease of use, system management, and distribution to end users. The purpose of this paper is to present, first, some common barriers to enterprise GIS deployment and, second, solutions, technologies, and techniques for overcoming those barriers. Examples of both a county and state agency will be used as illustrative examples.

Todd R. Hougaard
1770 North Research Park Way
North Logan, UT8434184341

Telephone: (435)755-9837
Fax: (435)755-9625