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 Tangled in the Web: Procedures for Managing Web-Based Projects
Track:  GIS on the Internet
Author:   Christopher S. Johnson
David M Theobald
James Zack
The Web provides a powerful means of disseminating spatial information, but managing and updating Web-based applications can be a complex and time-consuming process. These Web-based applications typically require maintaining and updating different versions of Avenue scripts, ArcView GIS extensions, HTML files, Java code, and spatial data. To simplify this complexity, we have developed a number of procedures that streamline and/or automate maintenance of ArcView IMS projects. We will address issues such as maintenance of working and serving projects, reduction of script proliferation and redundancy by building extensions, addressing the numerous details prior to serving a project, and working within a team development environment.

Christopher S. Johnson
Colorado Division of Wildlife
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO80523-1499

Telephone: 970 491 5122
Fax: 970 491 1965