Author: Cameron T. Ackerman
Thomas A. Evans
Although hydraulic analysis can benefit from digital terrain models and other GIS data sets, the complexity and unfamiliarity of GIS programs deters hydraulic engineers from using them. In developing HEC-GeoRAS, the Hydrologic Engineering Center has linked ARC/INFO's data development and display capabilities to HEC-RAS's hydraulic analysis capabilities. GeoRAS allows an engineer with little GIS training to use ARC/INFO to develop geometric data for import in HEC-RAS and view exported water surface profile data. The GeoRAS interface provides specific and logical access to ARC/INFO, allowing the engineer to concentrate in hydraulic principles, rather than GIS mechanics, during model development and analysis.
Cameron T. Ackerman
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
609 2nd Street
Davis, CA95616
Telephone: 530-756-1104
Fax: 530-756-8250