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 Switching Application for Electric Distribution Dispatching Centers
Track:  Electric and Gas
Author:   Michel Bridi
Fadi Nassar
Bilal Abon El Hassan
In order to assist distribution in their maneuvering decisions, it was found essential to link both aspects of the network (spatial and schematic) in a tightly correlated GIS-based environment where all scenarios are performed and viewed spatially and/or schematically as functionalities dictate: load loss recovery, feeder trace, deployment of teams on ground, preparation of contingency scenarios, etc. Also, a new unified environment combining both schematic and spatial aspects of the distribution grid was conceived ("Quasi-Spatial"). This will potentially replace the traditional schematic panel, thus resolving three chronic main issues: (a) automatic generation from the spatial coverage, (b) avoiding the maintenance of two parallel databases referring to the same entities, and (c) geographic orientation of dispatching panels.

Michel Bridi
Khatib & Alami
Lebanon, Beirut, Mazraa St., Gondole bldg.
Beirut, 14-6203

Telephone: 961-1-300609
Fax: 961-1-603301