Author: Debra K. Dinville
The Bureau of Land Management utilizes an ArcView GIS-based application called Spatial Display and Query (SDQ) to access and display spatial representations of the agency's land survey, ownership, usage, customer, and leasing status information. This information is fully georeferenced but currently displayed in isolation, without familiar landmarks like roads or waterways. Data management and access functions will be addressed in a prototype architecture using seamless test data sets including digital line graphs, national elevation data, digital raster graphics, and Thematic Mapper imagery. The BLM is working to address issues surrounding compression, storage, transmission, and incorporation of reference themes into SDQ displays.
Debra K. Dinville
Bureau of Land Management
Denver Federal Center
P.O. Box 25047, Bldg. 40
Denver, CO80225
Telephone: 303-236-6430
Fax: 303-236-3327