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Storm Drain Inventory GIS: Automated Field Inventory Using Pen-Based Computers
Track:  Water Distribution, Wastewater, Sewer
Author:   Gary Chan
Wing Tam
Scott Eckersall
The City of Los Angeles Wastewater Collection Systems Division inspects, cleans, operates, and maintains the City's entire storm drain system requiring the inspection and cleaning of nearly 40,000 City-owned catch basins. Prior methods of inspection required paper markups and an extensive document handling process. Psomas developed a GIS-based application that runs on handheld pen-based computers and integrates maps and inventory worksheets into a single interface. The result is a streamlined process that reduces time and effort and minimizes errors. This paper will discuss the unique advantage of integrating GIS in field data collection systems.

Gary Chan
1700 Iowa Ave.
Riverside, CA92507

Telephone: (909) 787-8421
Fax: (909) 682-3379