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 Integrating GIS with Dispersion Software to Determine the Equity and Risk of Air Pollution in East St. Louis, Illinois
Track:  Health Care
Author:   Edward Lowe Kinman
Brian D. Welde
Timothy L. Haithcoat
Environmental justice is a geographic phenomenon postulating that certain segments of society will bear a disproportionate amount of environmental abuse. East St. Louis is an area where environmental justice issues are paramount. The integration of air pollution modeling software and GIS has proved beneficial in determining the equity and risk of pollution exposure in East St. Louis. Utilizing GIS and dispersion software can provide the possibility for a more complete understanding of the relationship between air pollution and respiratory health. GIS has vast potential for epidemiologic research and as a possible regulatory mechanism.

Edward Lowe Kinman
University of Missouri-Columbia
17 Stewart Hall
Columbia, MO65211

Telephone: 1-573-882-8808