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 Lake City Army Ammunition Plant GIS
Track:  Environmental Management
Author:   Jean Schumacher
Sean D. Myers
Thomas Laflin
A GIS was developed to characterize the potential for groundwater contamination at the Lake City Army Ammunition Plant (LCAAP) in Independence, Missouri. The plant has an extensive monitoring program that generates numerous data sets related to contamination at the plant. The problem confronting LCAAP was that all their data was spread to many places and organized in various formats. Lacking data organization, LCAAP had difficulty developing a comprehensive approach to investigations and remediation. With the GIS, project personnel can now access all spatially related information in one comprehensive GIS-based system.

Jean Schumacher
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
601 East 12th Street
Kansas City, MO64106-2896

Telephone: 816-983-3885
Fax: 816-426-5550