One of the top five causes of morbidity/mortality in children under five years of age in developing countries is gastrointestinal diseases. A cross sectional and longitudinal study in rural areas of Guatemala was designed to evaluate the impact of different types of solutions to provide potable water at the household level. Baseline studies included stool sample analysis, socioeconomic surveys, and analyses of water sources. The localities in the study area, water sources, and water distribution into the localities were georeferenced using DGPS technology. The main goal was to determine the different risk areas and the effects of the intervention in the improvement of water quality in the defined area of the study through the use of a GIS.
Gustavo Alberto Chajon-Giron
Universidad del Valle de Guatemala
18 av 11-37 zona 15 Vista Hermosa III
Edificio I-2, Oficina 104
Guatemala, 01015
Telephone: (00-502)-369-0791 thru 5
Fax: (00-502)-364-0354