This paper will review GIS case examples developed by Charlotte-Mecklenburg police to more efficiently and effectively utilize available data in community policing operations. It will detail several case studies and programs that were due in great part to enhancing analytical capabilities through GIS technology.
The first example will focus on crime prevention and criminal apprehension through managing and analyzing pawn data with a GIS. It will detail how GIS analysis was a major influence in creating a new digital reporting ordinance for pawn shops, and the new ability to perform spatial and link analysis between pawner home addresses, stolen property files, and arrest files. It will further demonstrate a public/private partnership between police and pawn vendors who voluntarily provided us with pawn file downloads. The second example will detail neighborhood quality of life issues through ABC analysis and enforcement. This will explain relationships between ABC outlets and crime and how GIS analysis helped change State law to give Charlotte Police enforcement authority over ABC establishments (this authority traditionally resides with county and state ABC agents). The third program deals with using GIS to prioritize the serving of warrants. This will showcase a multiagency effort to concentrate warrant service in violent crime hot spots and a unique partnership between the Police Department, Sheriff's Department, and Probation/Parole. The final example will profile the Combined Enforcement and Supervision Effort (CEASE) initiative. This new program brings together police and parole officers in a collaborative prevention and offender tracking effort using GIS.
Carl Walter
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department
601 E. Trade Street
Charlotte, NC28269
Telephone: (704)336-8784
Fax: (704)336-7799