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 Environmental ToolBox
Track:  Defense and Intelligence
Author:   Robert Gage
Raymond Gates
The Environmental ToolBox is a set of extensions to ArcView GIS software from Esri. It provides a framework for impact analyses and includes functionality for creating annual profile mission sets, associating mission sets with a population of receivers in a scenario, and performing various impact analyses on those scenarios. The current focus of the software is on the prediction and analysis of the effects of aircraft noise on humans, animals, and structures located near military training routes (MTRs). Due to the modular nature of the software, other types of environmental factors can be included to provide a comprehensive, easy-to-use environmental impact analysis tool. For more information please visit http://fatboy.larc.nasa.gov/ictghome.html and download the overview presentation (12 MB zipped). It has sound and narration and runs itself.

Robert Gage
NASA Langley Research Center
Langely Research Center
Hampton, VA23665-5225

Telephone: (757) 864-7297
Fax: (757) 864-8463