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Get the Results of GITA's Geospatial Technology Survey
Track:  Agriculture
Author:   David P DiSera

As a professional association, the Geospatial Information & Technology Association (GITA) has earned a reputation for providing excellence in education for those involved with geospatial information technology. To this end, GITA conducts an annual survey of electric, gas, telecommunications, water, wastewater, and storm water utility companies implementing geospatial information technologies. This surveys completeness, complexity, and direction of their projects, as well as the importance of GIS solutions in support of business needs. This presentation will summarize the results of the survey and provide attendees a view of the unique characteristics and applications for each industry.

David P DiSera
EMA Services
1970 Oakcrest Avenue
St. Paul, MN55113

Telephone: (651)639-5600
Fax: (651)639-5730