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 GIS Use in Education Programs in New Jersey
Track:  Education (K-12) and Library Science
Author:   Ed VanBlargan

This paper discusses how GIS is utilized in several programs designed to improve education at the precollege and college level. ArcView GIS is utilized as a key technology in three recent programs implemented through Ramapo College of New Jersey and involving several colleges and multiple school districts. The program goals are to help elementary students learn about science using novel technology, enhance the professional growth of K-12 teachers, and infuse GIS in various college curricula. The approaches and obstacles are discussed for bringing the world into the classroom using GIS and how it enhances the education experience.

Ed VanBlargan
Ramapo College
505 Ramapo Valley Road
Mahwah, NJ07430-1680

Telephone: (201)684-7125
Fax: (201)684-7637