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 Building a Redistricting Application for the North Carolina General Assembly Using MapObjects and Visual Basic
Track:  State and Local Government
Author:   Kevin Gainey
Tim Johnson
The North Carolina General Assembly's Information Systems Division is responsible for enabling State legislators, legal counsel, and division staff to draw and analyze political districts. The system used for the 1990 census was a mainframe-based system, but the division wished to develop a similar system on the PC platform in order to increase efficiency, flexibility, stability, and increased scalability within the Windows environment for the upcoming 2000 census. This paper focuses on the development of the application using Microsoft's Visual Basic and Esri's MapObjects. Issues concerning system design, database implementation, performance, GIS analysis tools, and future improvements are examined.

Kevin Gainey
North Carolina Center for Geographic Information & Analysis
301 N Wilmington St
STE 700
Raleigh, NC27601

Telephone: 919-733-2090
Fax: 919-715-0725