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 Design and Implementation of the Solar Analyst, an ArcView GIS Extension for Modeling Solar Radiation at Landscape Scales
Track:  Ecology, Conservation, and Archaeology
Author:   Pinde Fu
Paul M. Rich
The Solar Analyst is a new ArcView GIS extension that provides convenient access to a powerful array of solar simulation tools. Maps of incoming solar radiation (insolation) are calculated using digital elevation models (DEMs) for input. A fast view-shed algorithm accounts for the influences of surface orientation (slope and aspect), elevation, shadows, and atmospheric conditions on direct and diffuse insolation. Insolation maps have applications in such diverse disciplines as agriculture, forestry, hydrology, ecology, and meteorology. For example, in ecological studies at the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory, Colorado, insolation maps have proven valuable for understanding vegetation distribution and potential effects of global warming.

Pinde Fu
University of Kansas
Nichols Hall
Lawrence, KS66045

Telephone: 785-864-7715
Fax: 785-864-7789