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 Accessing the Shared Geodatabase Brought Better Customer Service: An ATM Location Guidance System
Track:  Business Geographics
Author:   Yoshiko Hamamoto
Yoshiyuki Takei
Takashi Nanaumi
This paper describes an ATM location guidance system using MapObjects IMS and SDE. PROMISE Co., Ltd., one of the major loan service companies in Japan, has more than 10,000 ATMs and 13 customer support centers with more than 100 telephone operators throughout Japan. The IMS-based system allows the company to share the SDE database through the Intranet and significantly speeds up the ATM location guidance operations. The system performs proximity analysis based on the customer's location and retrieves the closest ATM locations and associated maps from the SDE database. Also, updating the ATM map can be done from the same client browsers.

Yoshiko Hamamoto
PASCO Corporation
5th Floor, Higashiyama Bldg. 1-1-2
Higashiyama, Meguro-ku
Tokyo, 153-0043

Telephone: +81-3-3715-1530
Fax: +81-3-3715-1470