Author: A. Kent Anness
The Governor's Water Resource Development Commission (WRDC) was created under Executive Order in 1996 and attached administratively to the Department for Local Government. The WRDC's mission is that of planning for the provision of potable water to all Kentuckians by the year 2020. As a part of its charge, the WRDC was directed to utilize geographic information system technologies coupled with engineering expertise as it developed a strategic water plan for Kentucky. Phase I of the project involved the collection of existing water and sewer infrastructure information for each system in the Commonwealth. This massive task was performed by Kentucky's 15 Area Development Districts (ADDs) under direction of the WRDC. Each ADD administered a 600+ question survey to every system in their region and obtained "mapped" system information. The nonspatial data from the administered survey was input into an Access database with "primary keys" that permitted database "joins" to the spatial or mapped information. This information is currently being loaded into an Oracle database environment. The spatial information (i.e., water lines, water tanks, sewer lines, booster pumps, etc.) was input by each ADD using one of four GIS software packages.
The spatial and nonspatial data sets created by the ADDs were forwarded to Bluegrass ADD for "seaming" across ADD boundaries, thus creating State-wide GIS layers for the WRDC. These layers will be utilized by the WRDC during the compilation of its Strategic Water Plan during Phase II. Having this level of information coupled with the analysis tools of a GIS streamlined the planning process.
A. Kent Anness
Governor's Water Resource Development Commission
1024 Capital Center Drive
Frankfort, KY406018204
Telephone: 502-573-2382
Fax: 502-573-2939