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Discovery, Dialog, Documentation, and Data: Kalaupapa National Historical Park, Molokai, Hawaii
Track:  Ecology, Conservation, and Archaeology
Author:   M. Melia Lane-Kamahele

This presentation will discuss the development of GIS for a small national park and provide a brief background to the park's natural, cultural, geographical, and human resources within the context of the diverse interagency management and planning strategies for the area. Sample issues from natural and cultural resource projects will be discussed including a study that integrates historical land documentation, Native Hawaiian settlement patterns, and archaeological records with existing structures and current survey work. Related topics of land records, resource identification from historic documentation, subsistence issues, cultural landscapes, and current related research will be covered.

M. Melia Lane-Kamahele
National Park Service
300 Ala Moana Boulevard (Federal Building)
Room 6-226, Box 50165
Honolulu, HI96850

Telephone: (808)541-2693
Fax: (808)541-3696