The importance of demining continues to grow. The Ottawa Landmine Treaty came into force on March 1, 1999, but there is a problem: between 85 and 120 million active mines scattered in over 70 countries waiting to explode. Five thousand mines in a depot is logistics; 5,000 deployed mines is geography.
In response to operational feedback, an enhanced version of the Explosive Ordnance Disposal Information System (EOD IS) is near completion. A vital added component is the ability to register individual mines, existing minefields, and cleared areas, assuring accuracy for EOD planning, operations, and reporting.
This presentation will give an overview of the EOD IS, focusing on the tight integration with the Swedish Armed Forces GIS tool known as GeoPres.
Björn Liszka
Swedish Armed Forces
S-107 85 Stockholm, 107 85
Stockholm, Sweden
Telephone: +46 8 7887500