GeoPres is the Swedish Armed Forces' extension to Esri's ArcView GIS and MapObjects. This abstract describes some of the new features in GeoPres extension for ArcView GIS and GeoPres MapObjects API.
News in GeoPres 2.0 for ArcView GIS
The GeoPres ArcView GIS extension 2.0 application is extending ArcView GIS 3.1 with special backdrop handling and a military situation map. These functions are easy to add to other analyses and applications in ArcView GIS 3.1. GeoPres ArcView GIS extensions are an important part in the GeoPres concept for implementing geographic analysis into the Swedish Armed Forces. GeoPres ArcView GIS extensions are extremely easy to adapt to other languages and industries.
News in GeoPres API 2.0
GeoPres API version 2.0 is an extension to MapObjects 2.0. Following is a list of some of the improvements from the previous version of GeoPres that could be used with MapObjects 1.2.
The overlay now has support for scale-dependent layers and objects. There are a number of new GeoObject classes (e.g., scalebar and velocity vector), and there is an open API that allows the developer to create custom GeoObjects.
The administration tool is completely redesigned. The renderer editor is integrated with the administrator tool, and it is possible to read ArcView GIS legends and automatically convert them to GeoPres renderers.
The administrator tool supports all file formats that can be used by MapObjects.
Ulrich Segner
Swedish Armed Forces
Military Geographic Service
S-107 85 STOCKHOLM, 10785
Stockholm, Sweden
Telephone: +46 8 4021718
Fax: +46 8 791 7151