This paper will discuss the issues of deploying an interactive enterprisewide GIS application over the Maine DEP local area network (LAN), the State of Maine Wide Area Network (WAN), and the internet. This application will provide users with all of the functionality of ArcInfo 8 and more. The Applications will all reside on several NT Servers and the data will reside on a Unix Oracle/SDE Server. ArcInfo 8.0 requires the NT operating system to run, this paper will discuss how to determine the size and number of NT application servers required for the Maine DEP. The requirements for the unix server for serving the data will also be examined. The specifications of the data server running Oracle and ArcSDE 8 will be discussed. Finally the use of Citrix terminal server to deliver the applications to the user over the LAN, WAN, and internet will be examined.
Christopher Neal Kroot
Maine Department of Environmental Protection
State House Station #17
Augusta, ME04333
Telephone: 207-287-6167