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Building an Enterprisewide GIS That Integrates Spatial Data and Business Data Using ArcInfo 8 And ArcSDE 8 at the Maine Department of Environmental Pr
Track:  System Implementation for GIS
Author:   Stuart Rich

For the first time with ArcInfo8, it is possible to develop sophisticated relational database integration of our complex business data structures with our GIS. Using the COM based ArcInfo8 object model, SDE 4 and modern application development tools and techniques, powerful new applications are possible to include the entire organization in the GIS effort. This paper focuses on the issues to consider while making the transformation from a flat file-based traditional GIS database to a relational database, and how to link the spatial data to an organization's existing business data. This paper also discusses the wide range of functionality that the ArcInfo 8 application development platform provides

Stuart Rich
St. George Consulting, Inc.
456 Wallston Road
Tenants Harbor, ME04860

Telephone: 207-372-0648