NS Railinfrabeheer has taken a unique approach to constructing an information system that supports these needs. A database is designed that contains all the railway network data, including safety and control objects and functionality to manage it. SDE, ArcView GIS, and Internet Map Server are used to visualize the relevant information for staff members and business partners by means of maps, which vary from abstract stylistic drawings (micropresentation) to more global overviews (macropresentation). In fact the system maintains a huge number of maps containing stylistic microtopology of railway yards on a detailed level, in coherence with a (less stylistic) global network overview projected on a geographical background.
Dirk Kes
NS Railinfrabeheer
Postbus 2025
Utrecht, 3500 HA
Telephone: 31-30-235 52 54
Fax: 31 - 30 - 235 58 26