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 Evolution of GIS Applications at the Berchtesgaden National Park from 1982 Until Today
Track:  Environmental Management
Author:   Werner d'Oleire-Oltmanns

A GIS was created to be used as general storage tool for most different activities. It started within the Man and Biosphere (MAB) program. The project was designed together with Esri-Germany. The beginning of the application of ArcInfo was sciences. This basic GIS evolved by adding a monitoring tool. Then GIS-based habitat analysis models came up. These models expand in complexity, and also jumps in scale are incorporated. All information is used for a GIS-based master plan and for traffic and leisure management.

Werner d'Oleire-Oltmanns
Berchtesgaden National Park
Doktorberg 6
Berchtesgaden, D - 83471

Telephone: ++49 8652 96860
Fax: ++49 8652 968640