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Using GIS and Optimization Techniques to Solve Period Vehicle Routing Problems
Track:  Transportation and Logistics
Author:   Buyang Cao
Burcin Bozkaya
We present a client/server based system and its core solver for solving the "period vehicle routing problem" (PVRP). This problem deals with multiple customers that require periodic visits within a planning horizon by one or more technicians, subject to several constraints. The objective of a PVRP is to minimize the overall operational cost over the entire planning horizon. We develop a two-phase approach to this problem by first partitioning the customers into clusters based on technician specialty and workload balance constraints. Then we develop day routes for each cluster considering the periodic visit requirements, time windows and daily workload capacities.

Buyang Cao
380 New York St.
Redlands, CA92373

Telephone: 909 793-2853 x2250