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 AZIMUT II: Territorial Information System for the Local Administration
Track:  Cadastral and Land Records
Author:   Paloma Silván

AZIMUT II is a corporate GIS that was developed for the Local Administration based on SDE and any RDBMS. It allows all departments of the Local Administration to access the same cartography using any type of client of SDE. AZIMUT II allows the editing of any type of information (linear like streets, polygon like parcels or point like traffic signals) and its alphanumeric attributes from a CAD program (Autocad or MicroStation) using SDE CAD Client. The integration of CAD programs and SDECAD Client allows the editing of graphic and alphanumeric information directly in SDE, joining tools of CAD and GIS. From CAD programs the application does the topological test, using ArcInfo and ODE, and shows in the CAD program the topological errors (dangles, polygons without labels). AZIMUT II is a system that can be configured using tables of metadata in the RDBMS. In these tables we can configure the type of SDE layer, its alphanumeric attributes and the topological test to do.

Paloma Silván
Esri Espana
C/ Princesa, 3
Madrid, 28008

Telephone: +34 915594375
Fax: +34 915597071