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GIS Technologies in Law Enforcement Efforts Toward Delinquency and Drug-Use Prevention
Track:  Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice
Author:   Jack Pollard
Scott Bates
Keathe Wright
Our presentation will illustrate a promising new application of GIS technology using school-based surveys that comprehensively measure delinquency, drug use, and violent behaviors, as well as risk and protective factors predictive of them. Such risk and protective factors (RPFs) are promising targets for preventive intervention. Effective prevention planning requires collection of community-level data on the prevalence of RPFs and problem behaviors to assess prevention needs. We will demonstrate how the use of a school-based survey instrument in concert with GIS technology significantly enhances delinquency prevention programming by measuring and spatially displaying local delinquency and RPFs.

Jack Pollard
Developmental Research & Programs
130 Nickerson Street
Seattle, WA98109

Telephone: (206) 286-1805, ext. 103
Fax: (206) 286-1462