
No Paper
Next Steps for the GIS&T Body of Knowledge
Track: Teaching with GIS in Higher Education
Author(s): David DiBiase

The Geographic Information Science and Technology Body of Knowledge (BoK) is a community-developed inventory of the knowledge and skills that define the GIS&T field. The first edition was published in 2006. The editors, contributors, and publisher of the first edition all expected that the BoK would be revised periodically in response to developments in the field. In this EdUC session audience members will help identify priorities for improvement in a future second edition. The discussion will also consider how the process of contributing to and using the GIS&T BoK might be made more open and participatory.

David DiBiase
Dutton e-Education Institute
2217 EES Bldg
Penn State University
University Park , Pennsylvania 16802
United States
Phone: 814-863-1790
E-mail: dibiase@psu.edu