Paper Mapping Out Crime: Expanding the Boundaries--Springfield, IL--Gun-Related Incidents

Author: Jenni J. Gardner
Organization: Illinois State Police

400 Iles Park Place
Suite 300
Springfield, IL 62718

Phone: 217 557-2805
Fax: 217 557-2823

As a response to the Governor of Illinois's stance on improving gun safety and reducing gang/drug-related crime in the City of Springfield, Illinois, "Guns in Springfield" analyzes three years of gun-related crime reports. Utilizing various techniques including spatial analysis, "hot spot," and trend analysis, a determination of when and where gun violence was occurring assisted in the formation of tactical patrol response strategies. The report was made possible because of a partnership between the Illinois State Police and the Springfield Police Department (SPD). This partnership was formed for the purpose of introducing and training SPD analysts in the use of ArcView GIS and other statistical techniques for analyzing crime and forming strategic patrol and investigative plans.