Paper Development, Implementation, and Maintenance of a Remotely Accessible GIS Query Application

Author: Joseph F. Giacinto
Organization: Environmental Systems & Technologies

2608 Sheffield Drive
Blacksburg, VA 24060

Phone: 540 552 0685
Fax: 540 951 5307

Utilizing ArcView GIS, MapObjects, and Microsoft SQL as base components, customized geographic information systems were developed for Superfund and brown field sites. The application capabilities included the ability to remotely query a secured and complex tabular analytical database residing on a server computer through an Internet connection to the client computer. Query requests were processed on the server computer, converted to a DBF format, and sent back to the client computer. The client side application then converted the DBF file to a shape file for manipulation and display in the application. Various capabilities and third party software were incorporated into the application to enhance map displays, for data analyses (e.g., evaluating data trends), and for data visualization. The application was distributed on CD as a stand alone product complete with an automated installation utility for the initial installation and periodic product updates.