Paper What If...? Alternative Futures for the Mojave Desert

Author: Matthew Robert Stevenson
Organization: Utah State University

5210 Old Main Hill
Logan, UT 84322-5210

Phone: 435-797-3892
Fax: 435-797-1871

Utah State University is modeling a range of alternative futures for the California portion of the Mojave Desert. This effort is part of a larger investigation hosted by the Desert Research Institute and sponsored by the Department of Defense Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program. We are using GIS to create three areawide future scenarios based on a model showing regional development "trends" that integrate population projections. These alternative futures will depict total "build-out" of existing land use plans and policies as well as a scenario that will maximize conservation of biological diversity. This paper details the methods we are using to model the future and may be useful to cities, counties, government agencies, councils of government (COGs), and others interested in the regional effects of development on human and natural systems.