Paper Effective Three-Dimensional Visualization Technology Supports Both Esri GIS and CAD: New Software Helps Speed the Proposed Development Approval Process

Author: Robert Ard
Organization: Evans & Sutherland

600 Komas Drive
Salt Lake City, UT 84108

Phone: 801-588-1000
Fax: 801-588-4550

What if the local community constituents could use a mouse to interactively "walk through" the site of a proposed development during a public hearing and view proposed new buildings and landscaping in context of their existing surroundings? Imagine if a civil engineer and architect could import the planner's Esri GIS data into a desktop computer program and use it in combination with their own CAD data to quickly and easily construct a three-dimensional photo-realistic model of a proposed development. Through this presentation, Evans & Sutherland, an Esri Business Partner, will demonstrate how to affordably simplify and streamline the three-dimensional modeling process.